24 Mar

The conference that I saw is about a British man, he talks about how his country was divided and how he left the European Union only because some citizens did not agree with what was imposed on them, about something else that also speaks very important is about the GLOBALISATION of its pros and cons since he said that if the government did not or did not put globalization on its feet the population and the countries in general would be very divided or there would be many classes and social groups even All that education that was given was not going to work since the children or young people were only going to stay with a single idea or were going to believe that only they had a culture and they were not going to be able to know beyond their country, it also talks about how He is his country at the moment after a separation or a division and he says that among the same citizens there exists as the bullyng or the contempt for other people and all this thanks to the fact that his country never took an interest in that important issue that is the gl obalization.

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