24 Feb
My first vacation outside of Mexico was one of the best experiences I had since I met three countries (Barcelona, Rome and Paris) at the beginning I was nervous since I had not been on a plane for a long time or traveling alone, when I took my I could not believe my flight to Barcelona since I never imagined being in any country in Europe, but when the first thing I thought was was it real? the days went by and I began to know the city and its architecture is beautiful its customs and the best is how people treat you there, when I went to a store or a restaurant everything was very clean and comfortable and when they asked you what country you are from At the time of saying Mexico to them it was a very big emotion and they asked you how our culture was or what was the most beautiful thing in that country, then we went to Paris and when I arrived it was so nice to see the architecture of that country since its The streets were very small and in the hotel where I stayed, it was like a house and it looked like something old is rare and the lady who was at the reception was very kind there, they have the habit of always being polite, then I went to Rome also I was made very nice everything especially the colosseum and the batico there take great care of the hygiene the streets were clean and their food from the three places I went to were obviously very rich in each country its cuisine is different but some of what I did account is that there they take good care of the side of eating healthy.
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